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South Yorkshire man banned from keeping dogs for a decade after neglecting his pet

South Yorkshire man banned from keeping dogs for a decade after neglecting his pet

A man from Rotherham has been disqualified from keeping dogs for ten years after failing to get timely veterinary care for his pet who had multiple untreated injuries. 

Two-year-old Deli, a Belgian Shepherd-type dog, had extensive scratches and bites on all four limbs and infected wounds on her front legs which had been present for several days. She had reportedly given birth to a litter of puppies just days before, which had all sadly died.

Her owner, Yasser Hussain, was prosecuted by the RSPCA for causing unnecessary suffering to Deli and failing to get her the necessary veterinary care she needed at the right time. He had already admitted one offence contrary to the Animal Welfare Act 2006 at a hearing in December.

At a sentencing hearing at Sheffield Magistrates Court on 6 February, Husain was also given an 18-month community order, with a requirement to do 120 hours of unpaid work and up to 15 rehabilitation activity days, and ordered to pay costs of £750.

The district judge heard how Hussain had taken his injured dog, who he described as being "off her legs," to a PDSA clinic in Sheffield on 30 June 2022. The RSPCA was subsequently contacted by the vet over concerns for her welfare.

In a written statement to the court, the charity’s Deputy Chief Inspector Sara Jordan described Deli’s condition when she saw her at the clinic five days later: "She was in lean body condition and I could see that she had extensive wounds on both front legs - notably a large open wound to her right foreleg and an open, draining abscess to the armpit region of her left foreleg. 

"She was on pain relief and antibiotics and had a lot of criss cross scratches and bite wounds to all limbs which had been exposed when the vets shaved her to treat the larger wounds."

The vet, who confirmed there were no further palpable foetuses, said Deli was likely to suffer if her circumstances didn’t change and she was taken into police possession.

In a telephone call with Inspector Jordan on the same day, Hussain said that four days before he took Deli to the vet, she was jumping up at him and playing. He said she then gave birth on 28 June and it was at that point he noticed a wound on her right foreleg.

In written evidence to the court, the vet who examined Deli at the PDSA, said: "On examination she was underweight with milk expressible from all nipples. From the size of the nipples I would suspect this was not the first litter of puppies. The fur coat was matted with purulent material and other dark matter over the entire body. She was clearly uncomfortable on both forelimbs despite having pain relief overnight. 

"The left forelimb was very swollen and purulent material was dripping down it. Several wounds were visible over all four limbs, not all fresh. The largest wound was present on the centre of the right forelimb near the elbow, which couldn't be fully assessed conscious. 

"I believe Deli was caused unnecessary pain and suffering by not having these wounds treated earlier, for this degree of swelling and purulent material these particular wounds had been present for several days most likely. All limbs, once clipped, showed wounds which appeared to be even older than the deep wounds present on the forelimbs." 

In mitigation the court heard that Hussain, had since rehomed another dog he owned and it was to his credit that he did eventually recognise, albeit very late, that Deli needed veterinary intervention.

Deli, who was signed over to the RSPCA by Hussain during the course of the investigation, was cared for at the charity’s Hull & East Riding Branch animal centre. She made a full recovery and has since been happily rehomed.