Already Registered With Home Life | RSPCA - RSPCA
First of all, thank you for registering with Home for Life.
You can rest assured that when the time comes, our dedicated staff will give your companion all the love and care you would expect from the country's largest and longest-established animal charity.
If you have any questions about Home for Life don't hesitate to get in contact with us.
We ask that you keep a folder of documents that can be easily located by your family, friends or Executor in the event of your death. Ideally it should contain:
- A copy of your Home for Life registration letter
- A copy of the Home for Life terms and conditions
- A photograph of each registered pet, with their name on the reverse
- Any relevant ID documents or vet bills relating to the registered pets
- A list of items you would like your pet to have in their new home such as any favourite toys or blankets.
Meanwhile, if you haven't already done so, please do consider leaving us a gift in your Will. There's no charge for Home for Life, but it will help us care for other animals - including those not lucky enough to have a loving home like yours.
A second chance for Charlie
Charlie, a blind Weimaraner, is a gentle and affectionate dog. He lost the only family he'd known when his owner passed away. But because he was registered with Home for Life, we cared for him, gave him an urgently-needed operation and found him a new home full of love and companionship.
"Happy endings like this inspire us in ways we cannot express in words. Thank you, Charlie, for touching so many lives with your sweetness. You're very missed by your RSPCA friends, but we're all so proud of you. And thank you to Charlie's former owner John for not only looking out for Charlie, but for leaving a gift in his Will to the RSPCA, which will help to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome more animals."