Using Our Logo | RSPCA - RSPCA
Using the RSPCA logo
Requests for using our trademarks and copyright materials
We receive a high number of enquiries relating to our trademarks and copyright materials and the way that we deal with them depends on the specific nature of the enquiry.
Here are some tips to help:
Linking to us
If you want to link to our website, you'll find more information and free linking buttons here: links policy.
If you are an individual or group of individuals wanting to fundraise in aid of the RSPCA, you can request a free fundraising pack which includes posters, sponsor form, paying-in form and a fundraising materials order form, plus lots of fundraising ideas.
If you wish to request a copy of the RSPCA logo to use on your own fundraising materials in aid of the RSPCA, please contact us for an application form at:
Read more about our fundraising in aid of the RSPCA terms and conditions.
Business partnerships
If you are a business and want to discuss a proposal involving either the national RSPCA or one of our branches and the use of one of the RSPCA trade marks, you can find out more about partnering with us in our pages for businesses.
Charities and not-for-profit organisations
If you are involved with a charity, a not-for-profit organisation, a local authority, government department, a police force, an educational establishment or similar organisation and have a proposal involving one of the RSPCA trade marks and either the national RSPCA or one of our branches, please contact and an application form will be sent to you.
Please do not use RSPCA trademarks or copyright materials until and unless you have received written permission from us.
Thank you for supporting the RSPCA.