Changing the Law in Wales

The National Assembly for Wales
RSPCA Cymru has liaised closely and extensively with devolved decision-makers in Wales since the opening of the National Assembly for Wales in 1999.
Following the onset of devolution, powers relating to animal health and welfare were increasingly devolved to Wales. Further to the results of the referendum on March 3rd 2011, animal welfare officially became a matter of the Assembly's concern, excluding hunting and animal experimentation.
Animals and their welfare are exceptionally high in the public consciousness in Wales. According to Welsh Government data, 47 per cent of households own a pet animal; in addition to animals kept in commercial premises and Wales' strong tradition in agriculture.
Why lobby?
The main aims of the Society's public affairs work in Wales are:
- To change laws and policies to improve animal welfare;
- To raise awareness of RSPCA values;
- To provide an information service to all relevant stakeholders on animal welfare issues.
The team in Wales are members of Public Affairs Cymru, and abide by its Code of Practice. We also adhere to the following principles; that the external affairs team will:
- take its work in the political and public affairs arena seriously and commit to encouraging best practice amongst other public affairs professionals;
- deal with individuals, organisations and all institutions of government with honesty, transparency and integrity;
- take reasonable steps to establish that information supplied to them or by them is factually accurate, honest and not knowingly misleading.
Sound scientific opinion
The RSPCA bases its policies on science, and any issue we respond to will be backed up by advice from our scientific departments. The team has briefings on various issues, and more information can be found on these pages and on the RSPCA's Political Animal website.
Contact the team
You can find us on our dedicated Political Animal website.