Pay In Your Offline Fundraising | RSPCA - RSPCA
Pay in your offline fundraising
If you raised money using JustGiving:
Simply make sure you close down your page after receiving all your sponsorship. We'll then receive all the sponsorship and gift aid raised on your page from Just Giving directly.
More paying in options:
If our online paying-in form isn't your cup of tea - no problem. We have other options to suit you:
You can call us on 0300 123 0346 and simply pay with a credit or debit card, or
Simply send us your sponsorship form and a cheque payable to 'RSPCA' with your sponsorship amount in the post to:
Events Team,
Chart Way,
West Sussex,
RH12 1GY
If there's a specific RSPCA Centre that you wish to support, please print off the RSPCA paying-in form
Gift aid
Did you know that Gift Aid may be claimed on certain qualifying events? If your supporters are UK taxpayers then they will be able to raise an extra 25p for every £1 they donate by agreeing to Gift Aid.
Not all events will qualify for Gift Aid for example Gift Aid cannot be claimed if:
- the money donated is not their own as it was raised by an office or bucket collection
- the proceeds are from a cake sale or proceeds of a raffle or similar.
- the proceeds are from the sale of tickets to an event e.g. a dinner or similar
If you have a Just Giving page then your supporters will be asked to Gift Aid when they make their donation.