Dog behaviour care costs - RSPCA
Help with dog behaviour care costs
As a nation of animal lovers, we always want to do the very best we can for our pets. However, the choices we make for our dogs can sometimes be difficult due to situations outside of our control. We want to make sure you have as much information as possible to help you with the cost of living and your pets.
Our DogKind campaign is about raising awareness about separation-related behaviours in dogs. We provide helpful information and advice which encourages change in how we approach our training to prevent separation-related behaviours and recognise and respond to our dog's needs.
If you’re worried about the rising costs and how you can continue to look after your dogs behavioural welfare, there are services or options that can help with this.
Animal behaviourist costs
Animal behaviourists are incredibly skilled at working with animals, understanding their needs and putting into place mechanisms for change. The fees they charge, complement the standards expected from ABTC accredited behaviourists.
Dogs Trust training and behaviour support
Dogs Trust has launched a free Behaviour Support Line available to dog owners in the UK experiencing training or behaviour issues with their dogs, and who would benefit from over-the-phone advice from their team of dog behaviour specialists.
Dogs Trust can also support dog owners in need of reduced-cost training and behavioural services.
Your pet insurance might already have support included
Some insurance providers include in their animal insurance packages cover for behavioural support. This way you can access behavioural services and split the cost over a longer period of time. Be sure to read the small print though as all insurance policies differ and our aim is to give you tips that save.
Finding a friend or family member to dog sit
When you are out of the house for long periods it can impact negatively your dog's social and emotional health and welfare - just the same as if we were alone for hours on end.
We recommend that dogs shouldn’t be left for more than four hours at a time
As many of us work out of the home we know that for some this may be tricky. Whilst doggy day care and walking services are available, the cost of living crisis has meant that not everyone is able to afford this.
- Are confident that they will care for your pet properly
- Give them clear instructions on how to care for your pet
- Leave the name and number of your vet and an emergency contact for you
- Keep your pet's vaccinations and flea and worming treatments up-to-date.