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Invite your MP to our ‘Animals Matter’ Westminster event

In October, we’re hosting an ‘Animals Matter’ event in Westminster - and we need your help to get as many MPs as possible to attend! With a new UK Government, we have a chance to make sure animals aren’t forgotten.

We’ve teamed up with our friends at Compassion in World Farming, FOUR PAWS UK and Humane Society International/UK to form an Animals Matter Committee. Together, we can keep animals on the agenda.

Sheep and lamb in a grassy field.

What do we want to happen?

We want to see pivotal and long overdue changes for animals, including:

  • End the use of crates and cages for farmed animals

  • Mandatory animal welfare labelling on food 

  • A shift away from intensive animal agriculture towards climate and nature-friendly farming 

  • Introduce core animal welfare standards in trade deals 

  • Ban the import of hunting trophies 

  • End fur imports

  • Stop illegal puppy imports 

  • Licensing of animal rescues and sanctuaries

Make sure your MP attends

With a new UK Government, we have a new opportunity to give animals a voice.

Contact your MP today to invite them to our event.

How can your MP help?

They will be able to speak to four animal welfare charities about our collective vision for a better future for animals in Britain and overseas.

Our event in Westminster will tell MPs everything they need to know to support us.