We campaign to better the welfare of all animals | RSPCA - RSPCA
Campaign for animal welfare
We aim to prompt political and behavioural change on a range of animal welfare-related issues. But, we can't do it alone...
What are we campaigning for?
We're campaigning to:
- Raise awareness for the welfare needs of our nation's pets and helping pet owners to ensure the welfare needs of their pets are being met.
- Improve the welfare of as many farm animals as possible, at every stage of their lives.
- Ensure wild animals are protected from human activity and unnecessary suffering.
- Reduce the use of animals in experiments and reduce their suffering with a constructive and practical approach.
Will you join our campaigns?
Sign up to our campaign newsletter for regular updates about how you can help. Millions of animals still need your help - add your voice to our campaigns for better animal welfare.