Isle of Wight Branch

How to Adpot

Take the next steps  in order to find your new companion. 

Step 1: Search for your furry friend among those available for adoption

Use our Find A Pet service. Here you can filter your search by animal species. You can also check their introduction, personality, habits and interests, and whether they can live with other animals or children.

Step 2: Complete a Perfect Match form

Once you’ve found a pet you are interested in, please download, complete and email your relevant Perfect Match Form to

Match Forms:

Please note: We often receive multiple applications for the same animal. Due to volume, we are only able to respond directly to applicants who may be a match. Please don’t be discouraged if you are not contacted – we hope you will keep searching for a pet on our website, new animals are taken into care regularly. We appreciate your patience and understanding!

Step 3: Visit your furry friend at our Animal Centre

If you are selected, a staff member will contact you by telephone or email, and answer any questions you may have about the animal or the adoption process. We will then arrange a visit to our Animal Centre for you to meet your potential new pet, in some cases a virtual meeting may take place prior to an in-shelter visit. Please note, we will require all those living in your household to meet the new addition, prior to adoption.

On your visit to our Animal Centre our staff will disclose all the information they can about the animal, including their medical file. This is so you can make an informed decision before making the commitment to adopt. 

We will require multipul visits for all of our dogs, some will require more than others and this will be discussed with each individual. With more complex cases, we may arrange a home visit.  

Step 4: Arrange a home visit / provide photos of your home and garden

If we are arranging a home visit before your new companion leaves the Animal Centre, this is because we know change can be scary for your new pet. We will ensure that we provide advice and guidance to set you and your family up for adoption success, including how to make your home safe so your new pet can have an easier transition. We can advise on the environment, food and toys, and give any tips that you may need to keep everyone safe and happy.

Step 5: Collect your new companion

When everyone is happy that you and your chosen companion are right for each other, and that your home is suitable and ready for its newest addition, it’s time to head back to the Animal Centre to formalise the adoption process and complete the paperwork!

Step 6: Settling in

Introducing a new pet to your home will be exciting, rewarding and at times, challenging. It may take quite a while for your new pet to settle into life with you but don’t worry, if you do encounter some tricky times with your new pet, you’re not alone as we are on hand for any queries you may have.


Adopt an animal

01983 840287

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