Hillingdon, Slough, Windsor, Kingston & District Branch

Your local RSPCA

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RSPCA Hillingdon, Slough, Windsor, Kingston & District Branch


Please help us continue our essential local animal welfare work 

2024 was tougher than ever and we are fighting to keep our Hillingdon Clinic and Denham Homing Facility open. Each year, we treat and rehome hundreds of animals like this abandoned litter of puppies – and receive no central or Government funding. We rely entirely on your generous, ongoing support.


Ways to donate:

Facebook/Instagram: @rspcahillingdon

JustGiving: justgiving.com/rspcasud/donate

Paypal.me/hillingdonclinic (please use Family & Friends option)

Call: 01895 833417 to donate by debit/credit card


 There are many ways you can help the animals in our care, we are always in need of bedding, towels, sheets.

In one day we go through a bag of cat litter a, one bag of cat dry food and 6 boxes of wet cat food, 2 packs of dog wet food and dog dry.

 We try to give the cats and dogs a range of enrichment and we are grateful for donations of toys and cat scrat                                                                                                                   

We thank you for any support you can offer however small it is greatly appreciated. 




















Rehome a pet - can you offer a home to an animal in our care?