Finsbury Park Animal Hospital

Start your search for a pet today

We don't have any animals available for rehoming today, however there are plenty of animals available across the RSPCA who are waiting for their perfect match.

Rehoming an RSPCA animal

We don't rehome animals directly from the hospital as we are focused on the treatment and rehabilitation of injured animals.

Once we have treated the unowned animals and they are fully recovered then they are rehomed through our network of Animal Centres.

Many of the cats we treat are rehomed through RSPCA Frien Barnet (based in Pets at Home) and we reguarly send animals to Southridge, Leybourne, Blackberry Farm and Millbrook RSPCA Animal Centres 

The animals we have treated have often been through a lot but are remarkably resilient and really deserve a second chance at happiness. 

All our animals are looking for someone to offer them a new home, to be a friend and look after them. In return a rescue pet will offer fun, friendship and loyalty.