Empowering the next generation of animal advocates

Welcome to our animal education website! The activities here are for anyone who wants to help children learn about animals, their behaviour and how to give them a better life.

Get downloadable certificates for completing practical activities in five categories: nutrition, environment, behaviour, health, and advocacy. 

Our most recent superstars!

We’ve been super-inspired by these young learners who’ve earned their certificates by making animals’ lives better!

Do you know young people who’d like to improve the world for animals? 

Visit our library for lots of animal-friendly activities they can complete to earn certificates.

Made a wish that all stray animals get fed and looked after
Baked dog treats
Picked (and organised) litter to keep animals safe
Played with a cat safely
Tarleton Holy Trinity CE Aided Primary School created a fundraising activity
Made seeded apple for birds

We know animals have feelings

We can all help animals avoid negative feelings and ensure they have positive experiences instead. Watch our video to learn how we can make animals happier.

New activities to make animals' lives better