Newcastle & North Northumberland Branch

Start your search for a pet today

We don't have any animals available for rehoming today, however there are plenty of animals available across the RSPCA who are waiting for their perfect match.

Adopt an RSPCA animal

At this branch we rehome both cats and dogs. Our animals enter our care via RSPCA Inspectors who rescue them from unsuitable homes and owners. Many of the animals have suffered abuse, starvation, abandonment and general neglect. They are looking for understanding and caring owners to provide them with loving and safe environment for the rest of their lives.

All of our animals are checked by a vet shortly after arrival. They are vaccinated and given flea and worm treatment. Any animal that is not already neutered or micro-chipped when they arrive will have this carried out during their stay with us. Any animal that is not neutered at the time of adoption (i.e. puppies and kittens) will be issued with a neutering voucher. This will be expected to be used at an agreed appropriate time as part of the adoption agreement.

We strongly advise all adopters to arrange appropriate insurance cover for their adopted animal. For more information on pet insurance please visit:

If you would like further information, or to meet any of our animals please visit How to adopt.