Middlesex North West & South Hertfordshire Branch

Lost or found a pet?

If you have found a sick or injured animal please contact the RSPCA national call centre on 0300 1234 999

Lost pet

If your pet has gone missing please register them on www.petslocated.com

Pets Located continually searches found reports for your missing pet, 24 hours a day with instant email notifications of potential matches they will also immediately post to Twitter and other websites so details are not only seen by Animal Welfare organisations in your area but the public as well.

Found a stray pet

Stray cats

When you find a stray cat please do not assume no one is looking for her - she may simply be lost, and could have been lost many months. You may already know how distressing it is to lose a pet. How would you feel if someone in the next street, found your cat, and kept her without ever reporting it?

Is your stray cat sick or injured?

  • If you find a sick or injured cat, please call the RSPCA emergency line on 0300 1234 999.

Check if the cat has an owner

  • Ask neighbors in your street and adjoining streets. If your stray is friendly, you could take her to your local vet who can scan the cat to see if she has a microchip - for free.
  • If she doesn’t have a microchip – secure a paper collar with sellotape around her neck. Put your telephone number on the collar asking ‘if you own this cat please call me’. If you cannot get close to your stray or are unable to safely transport a cat to the vets, please call us on 0208 966 9688, and we will come out to you.
  • If you have done everything you can to find the cat’s owner, and you have had no response from your paper collar for seven days, you now have to choose whether you want to keep the cat.

To keep or not to keep?

  • Seeing a hungry cat – it is the natural to want to feed them. Thank you for caring, but please think beyond their immediate needs. If decide to keep feeding a cat, you are taking responsibility for that animal. This means getting them neutered, and taking them to the vets for treatment when they get sick. We can help with neutering costs if you are on a low income, or receiving benefits.
  • If you don’t want to adopt the stray, but she is a healthy cat – we can take her in if we have space, but as we have to prioritise sick and injured animals you can also try Cats Protection on 0300 0121 212. A healthy stray cat could take up space needed for an abused or neglected animal in RSPCA centres.

Please do not just feed a stray cat – what happens if she gets pregnant, or gets sick? If you aren’t prepared to do more than just feed a cat, you should give her the opportunity to find a loving home where all her needs are met.

If you have any questions about stray cats, please call us on 0208 966 9688 for free professional advice.


Stray dogs are the responsibly of the local dog warden and you can contact them through your local Council.