Shropshire Branch

Start your search for a pet today

Our animals are neutered, microchipped and vaccinated (where appropriate) before they are rehomed. Start your search for a pet today. You never know who you might meet and fall in love with.

We have found 2 animals

Adopt an RSPCA animal ...

Above you can find out about the animals in our care who are looking for their forever home.

All our animals are neutered, microchipped & vaccinated (where appropriate) before they are rehomed, to ensure the best possible second chance in life.

Our cats and kittens come in to us for rehoming for all kinds of reasons, the one thing they all have in common is that they deserve a better start in life and that's what we are here for.

Please take a look at the cats and kittens available for rehoming. If you don't see your 'perfect match', please feel free to get in touch. We can't always get pictures up straight away so you never know we might have the perfect cat sat waiting for you!

If you can't find the pet you're looking for now, check back regularly to see if your 'perfect match' has become available. Or visit Find a pet to view other animals in the RSPCA's care across England and Wales who are looking for a new home.