Llys Nini serving Cardiff to Swansea Branch

Start your search for a pet today

Our animals are neutered, microchipped and vaccinated (where appropriate) before they are rehomed. Start your search for a pet today. You never know who you might meet and fall in love with.

We have found 26 animals

Adopting a pet from us

Above you can find out about some of the animals in our care who are looking for their forever home. To view a complete selection of animals please visit Llys Nini's main website

Our animals are treated for worms and fleas, neutered, microchipped and vaccinated (where appropriate) before they are rehomed, to ensure the best second chance in life.

Animal Viewing
Thursday - Tuesday 11 – 3pm

(£5 donation per group)

Closed : Wednesday

If you are using SatNav to find Llys Nini, please note our postcode 'SA4 9WB' may end your journey on the motorway running parrallel to the animal centre.

Instead please use 'SA4 9GX'