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Start your search for a pet today

We don't have any animals available for rehoming today, however there are plenty of animals available across the RSPCA who are waiting for their perfect match.

Adopt an RSPCA animal

You can visit Find a pet to view animals in the RSPCA's care across England and Wales who are looking for a new home. We also have a number of special appeals, why not take a look, you might just find your perfect pet.


We are always looking for foster homes for some of the animals in our care. There are so many benefits to fostering an animal, some of which are

  • Kennel life can be extremely stressful for some animals, especially if they have previously come from a loving family. Foster homes provide a safe and comfortable environment for the animal to relax and rehabilitate.
  • The staff work tirelessly on the rehabilitation of animals who have suffered neglect or abuse. Fostering is a great way to socialise and prepare them for the new family that awaits them.
  • There are many animals in our care awaiting their forever homes, unfortunately there simply isn’t enough space in our rehoming centres for them all, and in those cases private boarding often becomes the only option. The cost of accommodating animals in this way is a huge ongoing expense to both our branch and RSPCA branches all over England and Wales. By fostering an animal, the cost to the charity is significantly reduced and means our money spreads further to help even more animals in need.

To find out more about fostering please email us: