Purley, Caterham & District Branch

Start your search for a pet today

We don't have any animals available for rehoming today, however there are plenty of animals available across the RSPCA who are waiting for their perfect match.

Would you like to adopt?

If you would like to adopt a cat, please email Purley.Adoption@gmail.com.  Adopting a rescue cat is a big commitment and needs careful consideration as it will change your life and your life will have to change to fit around your pet.

If you are interested in fostering a cat (or two) please email purleyrspca@yahoo.co.uk. We will try and answer your call as soon as possible.

If can't find the pet you're looking for now, check back regularly to see if your perfect match has become available or visit Find a pet to view other animals in the RSPCA's care across England and Wales.