Keighley, Craven & Upper Wharfedale Branch

Microchipping Really Does Work...

Microchipping Really Does Work... image

We recently had a call from a member of the public within our branch area wanting to report a stray cat. The caller was concerned as the cat seemed to have been hanging around for quite a while and also seemed really hungry and getting thinner by the day.

One of our branch volunteers kindly went along to look at the cat and quickly found that it was actually microchipped – after scanning the chip they were able to contact the registered owner and inform them of the cats whereabouts. The owners informed us that the cat had actually been missing for 3 months and they had almost given up hope of ever being reunited! Within 20 minutes the owner had arrived to take their cat where it belonged – a nice comfy home.

Without a microchip this cat would never have found its owner and could have remained a stray for the rest of its life! If you have a cat or dog then please don’t forget the importance of a micro-chip. If your pet becomes lost the micro-chip could be your only chance of being reunited. If you have already chipped your pet then don’t forget to keep your contact details up-to date when you move home or change telephone numbers etc.

If you find a stray animal you can take it along to any vets surgery (if its safe for you to do so) where they will check for a microchip for free.

Microchipping typically costs around £10 – contact your vets and arrange an appointment today.