Hertfordshire East Branch

Become an RSPCA Member and help us help Local Animals In Need

Animals rely on the RSPCA to rescue them when they need us most.

We rely on the invaluable support of animals lovers like you to continue our work - so please join us and become a Member of the RSPCA.

For £24 for one year or £750 for life, you can become a member of the RSPCA or you and your partner can become joint members for £36 for one year or £1,000. 

From this, if you mention you would like to be associated with the Herts East RSPCA, our Branch will receive £4 for every individual member and £5 for joint members.

You will receive:-

  • A special RSPCA enamel pin badge, a membership card and one of the National Society's Action for Animals Car Stickers
  • the National Society's Animal Life Magazine quarterly;
  • the National RSPCA's Annual Review reporting some of the work by the National Society;
  • Documentation regarding the National Society's AGM (and your local Branch)


The Herts East Branch is a separately Registered Charity (No. 208244) and once the Branch receives confirmation that you have become a Member of the National Society and wish to be associated with our Branch, you will receive a welcome letter together with a copy of our Annual Report showing the work we do. 

Once you have been a National Society Member for 3 months and have volunteered for us to see what we do as a local Branch, you could become a Trustee of the Branch and be able to make decisions as to what the Branch does day to day.


To become a Member please see the National Society website on www.rspca.org.uk/getinvolved/becomeamember