Rehoming a farm animal

Do you have the knowledge, time, commitment, space and money to give farm animals a good quality of life?

Before making the commitment to owning any farm animals we recommend that you:

  • talk to some experienced farm animal owners
  • help to care for some animals of the type you are considering
  • get advice from experienced owners by joining a farm/smallholder club

Find out more about keeping farm animals as pets.

How to rehome a farm animal

Avoid getting animals from livestock markets or from adverts in non-specialist newspapers and magazines.

Our animal centres

Our animal centres sometimes have farm animals in need of good homes. Search for animals online or contact your local RSPCA animal centre.

Other organisations

Other organisations such as the British Hen Welfare Trust and Buttercups Sanctuary for Goats specialise in rehoming particular types of farm animals.

See our rehoming pages for more information about rehoming farm animals.

Find out more